Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(1 of 5) Rare Podkletnov Interview 2004

(1 of 5) Rare Podkletnov Interview 2004 Video Clips.

This rare interview of Dr. Eugene Podkletnov was filmed at Tampere Technical University in Finland, early 2004. This interview, believe it or, not was conducted by Richard Heene. Before he was known as "Balloon Boy's Dad", Richard was an amateur scientist who flew to Finland in 2004 to interview Dr. Podkletnov. (Heene's voice can be heard in the background as the one asking some of the questions) For more complete background Information on Dr. Eugene Podkletnov and the subsequent drama of competing theories from a variety of different researchers who jumped on the band wagon, please visit: Reference Papers Podkletnov's Original 1992 Paper: Podkletnov's 1997 Paper Podkletnov's Paper on Impulse Gravity Generator: ESA Replication by Martin Tajmar: I posted this interview for the benefit of scientists and researchers out there who are getting into this field, and I encourage everyone to do their own research in addition to the information provided by Dr. Podkletnov and myself. I also recommend making a review of Frank Znidarsic's Work: This is a serious, open and emerging field of physics and I encourage those who are young to get involved Now so they can ride the wave into the future and help be part of something extraordinary which will go down in History forever... Here is a written transcript of the questions some people had trouble hearing. Thanks to ...

Tags: Eugene, Podkletnov, Martin Tajmar, antigravity, gravity, research, scientist, science, physics, superconductor

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